Submission Guidelines

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Submission Guidelines for Short Fiction

1. The work that you submit may not contain any explicit sex, foul language, unnecessary violence or excessive gore. By excessive, I mean killing from beginning to end.

2. Please check your manuscript carefully for spelling and grammatical errors.

3. Double-space your lines (on those sent by snail mail). Very important.

4. Send a query (cover) letter and a 50-word bio.

5. Your story should be no more than 4,000 words and typed in 12pt font (Courier New or Times New Roman). If your story is more than 4,000 words you need to submit it as a SERIAL (See guidelines below)

6. If you send your story by snail mail and would like it returned, please include a SASE.

7. Make sure that your story is typed in 12pt. font

8. Because Fictionzine is non-profit I will be unable to pay for your work. I hope this doesn't discourage you from submitting.

Guidelines for Poetry

1. The work that you submit may not contain any explicit sex, language or gore.

2. Please check your manuscript carefully for spelling and grammatical errors.

3. Double-space your lines.

4. Send 50-word bio

5. Type must be 12pt. font.

6. If you send your work by snail mail pease include a SASE if you would like it returned.

7. No epic poems, please!

Serial Fiction/Fan Fiction

1. No explicit sex, foul language, unnecessary violence or excessive gore.

2. Please check your manuscript carefully for spelling and grammatical errors.

3. Double space your lines.

4. Send a query (cover) letter and a 50-word bio.

5. Your story should be no longer than 10,000 words and no less than 7,000.

6. If you send your work by snail mail and would like it returned plaese include a SASE.

7. Make sure your story is typed in 12pt. font.

Include your name, email address, wordage, and first Serial Rights with the appropriate year.